I’ve added a picture of my design propose for Umbro.
You can see full size design in my Gallery, Graphic Design.
I’ve added a picture of my design propose for Umbro.
You can see full size design in my Gallery, Graphic Design.
Corporate video for Paradigm secure satellite network:
Finally after works for a couple a months, I have decided to upload my website where you can see my part of my work experiments and my pictures, is not finish but will be soon I hope.
Feel free to contact me, even if you just want to say hello!
Freelance, yes….after a long time working fulltime for different’s companies and in different countries, I decided to become freelance and be more flexible, so if you are a VFX Company or agency and need a freelance, drop a mail or call me, you can see all my work here in my website.
In the mean time you can watch my new Showreel GSMOTION freelance 2011
For celebrate my wife birthday, we went for a couple of days to Cornwall, Penzance, St Ives, The Mousehole and Marazion.
If you like one of them, you can buy it here in my Shutterstock gallery:
I’ve added some pictures from my last trip to Bath for some time.
The photos were made with my Zenit 11.
You can see those pictures in Photography, Bath UK.